
best of 2018 – absci radio [as1066–1067]

BEST OF 2018, featuring BRUCE, DERU, DJRUM, DOS SANTOS, MAKAYA MCCRAVEN, STEFFI, SKEE MASK, STEVE HAUSCHILDT, TIM HECKER, X-ALTERA + many more, on this extended year-in-review ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcast. co-hosts CHRIS WIDMAN, JOSHUA P FERGUSON, HENRY SELF + LUKE STOKES mix 4 diverse hours of future music favorites from 2018. [aired 6 + 13 december…

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steve mizek – argot music – absci radio [as1016]

STEVE MIZEK (ARGOT MUSIC) guest mix + new music from ERRORSMITH, CID RIM, STEFFI + EMPTYSET on the latest ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcast, hosted by CHRIS WIDMAN. WIDMAN’s opening bookend mix starts with an OSBORNE house favorite + gradually transitions into broken UK club sounds + new weirdness from ERRORSMITH. Special guest dj STEVE MIZEK follows…

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