our annual THANKSGIVING DRONE program is your soundtrack to digestion and food coma. the curse of doing a thursday night radio show is the obligation to host a broadcast after gorging yourself on food and drink. in answer, we offer up ambient and beatless avant-electronic selections so we can all nod off. this year LUKE STOKES returns from hiatus with classic selections from TETSU INOUE, ROBERT HENKE + TANGERINE DREAM. WIDMAN sails through the second track with a new long-form piece from legends THE BLACK DOG. [aired 27 november 2014]
>LUKE STOKES Markus Guentner & LA Grande Illusion - Baghira - Pop Ambient 2006 - kompakt Steve Roach - a few more moments - Quiet Music - Projekt Robert Henke - Layer 003 - layering Buddha - Imabalnce computer music Bohren & der club of gore - Daumen - Geisterfaust - wonder Tetsu Inoue - inter link - world receiver - infraction Tangerine Dream - Phaedra - Phaedra - virgin Dead voices on air - till the dusk - from afar all stars spark and glee - lens records >CHRIS WIDMAN The Black Dog "Hymn for Megatron" - https://soundcloud.com/the-black-dog/a-hymn-for-megatron [button_reverse]SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST[/button_reverse]