radio show

absci radio [as0985]

ITAL TEK, HERBERT, LAURENT GARNIER + BOARDS OF CANADA set the pace for far-reaching installment of ABSTRACT SCIENCE with hosts MISTER JOSHUA + HENRY SELF. Starting things off, MISTER JOSHUA navigates mid-tempo electronic and balearic with cuts from AEROC + MARK BARROTT. The show briefly moves into darker territory with new music from ITAL TEK…

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absci radio [as0984]

PESSIMIST, TODD TERJE remixed by PRINS THOMAS, LIQUID CITY MOTORS, + JOE GODDARD are featured new music on this week’s house + disco heavy Abstract Science podcast, hosted by CHRIS WIDMAN + HENRY SELF. WIDMAN begins the first hour with a moog-era oddity, followed by a mix of new releases + classics, going from deep…

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absci radio [as0983]

HOWLING, JACQUES GREENE, NATHAN FAKE + LUSINE highlight a stacked playlist from MISTER JOSHUA + LUKE STOKES on this week’s installment of ABSTRACT SCIENCE. Leading off the episode, MISTER JOSHUA hits hard with a trio of bass-heavy house tunes from HOWLING, MAX COOPER + TODD TERJE remixed by FOUR TET. The vibe shifts to D&B…

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kiddo + daphne series – absci radio [as0982]

KIDDO guest mix + SMART BAR’s DAPHNE series showcase on this week’s ABSCI podcast, hosted by CHRIS WIDMAN. special guest dj KIDDO is performing + organizing at SMART BAR CHICAGO’s annual DAPHNE series, which celebrates women + feme-indentifying artists in dance music with performances + workshops throughout march. a veteran chicago dj, music journalist (who’s…

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absci radio [as0981]

SHED, TALABOMAN, CHRISTIAN LOFFLER + ALAN FITZPATRICK feature on this ambient-jazz-tech edition of the ABSTRACT SCIENCE radio show + podcast with hosts MISTER JOSHUA + HENRY SELF. HENRY lays down a diverse first-hour run that goes from ambient APHEX TWIN to chill TOR to the pop side of things with MARIAN HILL. Turning to bigger…

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romare – absci radio [as0980]

ROMARE guest mix; new music from PESSIMIST, BONOBO, THE BUNKER NYC, CLOSE UP OF THE SERENE; plus DAVID AXELROD + JAKI LIEBEZEIT in memoriam selections on the latest ABSCI podcast, hosted by CHRIS WIDMAN. WIDMAN begins the program with a favorite DAVID AXELROD composition–the oft sampled composer, arranger + producer passed away a few days…

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absci radio [as0979]

Jazz showcase, future + classic, DAVID AXELROD (RIP) tribute + music from BONOBO + JOE GODDARD on this week’s ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcast, hosted by MISTER JOSHUA + HENRY SELF. Part #Jazzuary2017 recap, part tribute to famed composer and much-sampled jazz musician DAVID AXELROD, MISTER JOSHUA digs into his collection of jazz new and old, featuring…

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absci radio [as0978]

new music from MATTHEW DEAR + THUNDERCAT, plus ABSTRACT SCIENCE djs recorded live in the mix (opening up for PLAID at lincoln hall) on the latest radio program, hosted by CHRIS WIDMAN + HENRY SELF. a live recording of WIDMAN + MR JOSHUA, performing as ABSTRACT SCIENCE djs, kick off the first hour with a…

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jeff pietro – absci radio [as0977]

JEFF PIETRO guest mix + midwest selections from OLIN, .noncompliant., ZACH LUBIN, NIGHT OWL DINER, CLOSE UP OF THE SERENE + more, hosted by CHRIS WIDMAN. WIDMAN begins a techno-heavy program with a 50/50 split of 2016 carry-overs (aka releases from december that didn’t quite get their due) + midwest-related artists/labels: from chicago, OLIN on…

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best of 2016 – absci radio [as0975-0976]

BEST OF 2016, featuring DOMS & DEYKERS, BATU, STRUCTION, MODERAT, KEUDO, TRAUMPRINZ, PLAID, LUSTMORD, NICOLAS JAAR, OCTAVE ONE, + much more, on this special year-end double episode. co-hosts CHRIS WIDMAN, MR JOSHUA, LUKE STOKES + HENRY SELF mix 4 hours of their favorite future music of 2016. true to form, WIDMAN delivers a tight mix…

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