chris widman

best of 2021 – absci radio 1197-1198

BEST OF 2021, featuring ANZ, THE BUG, DARKSIDE, FLOATING POINTS w/ PHAROAH SANDERS, FLYING LOTUS, FRACTURE, JANA RUSH, MADLIB, OCTA OCTA, SLIKBACK + many more, on this extended ABSTRACT SCIENCE year-in-review podcast. Co-hosts CHRIS WIDMAN, BILL BEARDEN aka WHOA-B, JOSHUA P FERGUSON + HENRY SELF mix 4 hours of future music favorites from 2021 [aired…

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absci radio 1191-1192 – whoa-b + chris widman

New music from SYNKRO, PROC FISKAL, RROXYMORE, CHRISSY, LONE + more, on this ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcast, with BILL BEARDEN aka WHOA-B + CHRIS WIDMAN in the mix. BILL begins with a set of slow burn bass music + downtempo. WIDMAN follows with techno, breakbeat + electro, closing with an experimental funk jazz session from KING…

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absci radio 1190 – chris widman + henry self

New music from THEO PARRISH, NATIVE SOUL, WAYWARD, JASPER TYGNER + more, on this ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcast, hosted by CHRIS WIDMAN + HENRY SELF. WIDMAN begins with slow-burn house + broken beats, followed by UK garage. HENRY follows a similar path, starting with deep sounds + electronic shoegaze, closing out with uptempo techno, breakbeat +…

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absci radio 1188 – whoa-b + chris widman

New music from LMAJOR, BOP, HODGE, CYGNUS + more, on this ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcast, hosted by BILL BEARDEN aka WHOA-B + CHRIS WIDMAN. BILL begins the program with a mix of new UK garage/2 step sounds. WIDMAN follows with a journey through techno, breakbeat, electro, grime, drum n bass + footwork, showcasing anniversary releases (LIVITY…

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absci radio 1184 – chris widman

New music from ANZ, NATE MANIC, JOY ORBISON + a feature mix of music from KEVEN MARTIN aka THE BUG, on this ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcast, hosted by CHRIS WIDMAN. WIDMAN begins with midwest + uk techno, moving into garage, electro + breakbeat on the way to drum n bass + jungle. The last 40 minutes…

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absci radio 1175 – please + chris widman

Guest mix from PLEASE + new music from JANA RUSH, LORAINE JAMES, DJ DEEON + more on the latest ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcasts, hosted by CHRIS WIDMAN. Chicago DJ/producer PLEASE, who runs the ISSA PARTY label + co-founded the RELATE club night at SMARTBAR, begins the program with a mix of footwork, juke, club + bass…

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absci radio 1169 – whoa-b + chris widman

New music from KEMPSTON HARDWICK, ZED BIAS (remixing SILKIE), DEGO, MARTYN, CYGNUS + more, on this ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcast, hosted by BILL BEARDEN aka WHOA-B + CHRIS WIDMAN. BILL mixes new UK garage + 2 step for the first hour. WIDMAN follows with techno, broken beat, electro + breakbeat, closing on a bit of electronic…

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absci radio 1168 – chris widman + henry self

New music from COMPOSURESQUAD, PURELINK, AL’S MAGIC, GILLIGAN MOSS + CHRIS LIEBLING + more, on this ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcast, with CHRIS WIDMAN + HENRY SELF in the mix. WIDMAN begins with uptempo sounds–mutant drum ‘n bass, hardcore, electro, footwork-inspired club–followed by slow-burn grooves. HENRY traverses an even wider range for the second hour: synth-driven funk,…

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absci radio 1165 – chris widman + luke stokes

New music from LCY, ZACHARY LUBIN, MODESELEKTOR, DON’T TRUST HUMANS + more on this ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcast, hosted by CHRIS WIDMAN + LUKE STOKES. For the first hour, WIDMAN mixes an uptempo selection of electro, techno + mutant bass music. LUKE continues with a bit of techno at the top of the second hour, followed…

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absci radio 1160 – toyacoyah + chris widman – daphne series

TOYACOYAH guest mix + new music from JANA RUSH, BORED LORD, SAM BINGA + CHIMPO, + more, on this ABSTRACT SCIENCE podcast, hosted by CHRIS WIDMAN. Chicago DJ TOYACOYAH begins the last episode of this year’s March showcase of women in electronic music + DJ culture, with a mix of upfront drum n’ bass rollers….

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